This is the perfect apple cake for fall. It stays moist and flavorful for 5 days at room temperature, up to 10 days refrigerated. Because it is made with...
Gooey-bouncy on the inside and crispy-chewy on the outside, mochi cake is a texture we just can't get enough of. Made from glutinous sweet rice flour,...
For maximum caramelization, make sure the cut side of the Brussels sprouts are flush with the bottom of the baking dish. As the whole thing bakes, the...
The color yellow symbolized joy for medieval Arabs, who were cultivating saffron in Spain by 960 c.e. Sephardic Jews were equally inspired by the coveted...
This Trinidadian version of curried chicken is an earthy, rich stew of whole chicken pieces in an aromatic, vibrant broth, spiked with hot chile and a...
The classic combination of tender pork, tart apples, and cider-braised sweet potatoes is a textbook meal for chilly days, especially when you're really...
Try this fresh alternative to holiday ham for your next festive gathering or Sunday supper. With an apple cider brine and maple-mustard glaze, this pork...
When you've got less than half an hour to get dinner on the table, a sausage sheet-pan dinner will always be there for you. With crispy mini potatoes and...
Jarred roasted red peppers, canned white beans, and a bunch of pasta water make this pasta sauce flavorful, thick, creamy, and totally vegan. But the crunchy...
There is no fancy skill involved in making these crispy fries, but there is a trick. The potatoes are fried twice. The first time cooks them through and...